08 May 2009

Counting Down

It's come down to about 17 hours until race time! Wow! Want to make four months fly by? Train for a 25 race! I took a half day at work so I could prepare for tomorrow without feeling rushed for time. Here's how I'll spend the next 17 hours:

  • Importing new CDs into iTunes so I can make a new play list for tomorrow.
  • Pick up salad makings. Having a pasta dinner tonight at AW's, so we're carbed up properly!
  • Watch weather report like a hawk. They're currently saying chance of rain and gusty wind. I'm in denial.
  • Arrange a few outfits for different weather scenarios.
  • Attach time tracker to my shoe.
  • Talk to BLU. Talk to AW at least once or twice after I leave there for dinner to cement our morning plan.
  • Relax.
  • Get to sleep early and hope that I can get a good night's sleep. Sleeping the night before a big race is a bit like trying to sleep on Christmas Eve. Excitement!
  • Get up. Get dressed. Get to race. Pray for a good race. Run. Enjoy the results of my training. 

1 comment:

k said...

Good luck!