31 July 2009


this week i:

  • had a dream i was in a triathalon with my new bike. i was going soo fast. it was awesome.

  • actually was riding so fast on the wednesday night bike ride and it was awesome to be flying down butterworth with a bunch of bikers behind me.

  • saw a tiny baby bunny on one of my runs. i wanted to scoop it up and carry it home and feed it carrots.

  • took one day off of running since i'm experiencing what i can only imagine is training burn out. i just didn't want to go. was feeling fine. i honored my not wanting to go and got back at it the next day. still feeling a little "meh" about training, but i'm just going with the flow. next race is a 1/2 marathon on August 15.

  • saw a man mowing his lawn wearing only a speedo and a straw hat.

  • made two actual dinners! delish pizza with garlic/olive oil for sauce, red pepper, artichokes and black olives last night. tuesday night was burrito night, complete with guacamole!

  • have been looking forward to the grand rapids electronic music festival tomorrow night on Rosa Parks Circle.

  • thought of a fun book idea earlier in the week. the fact that i'm still thinking about it so many days later is a sign i should flesh it out and see how the story materializes.

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