17 October 2013

Right Now

...Looking forward to one last event with my art crew in the old public museum in my town this weekend .

...Trying to decide between these two dresses from Free People. I'm kind of obsessed with some of their stuff right now. Dress one. (Very bohemian. I tried it on and it's lovely and made me feel all earth mother, but with an edge.) Dress two. (I love the cut and the colors and pretty much everything else about it!) Don't need either of them, but haven't been shopping in a bit, so feel like I can get one as a special treat! Plus, I can get 25% off on ShopBop until the end of the day - they for sure have Dress One.

...I am freezing. Despite being dressed in seasonally appropriate work attire (sweater, wool crop pants and tall boots) it feels like I'm running around in very little. Why it's so difficult to regulate the temperature in our office is beyond me. I wish they'd get it figured out though.

...Am on my lunch, at the desk because despite the fact that it's freezing inside, it's worse outside! Cold and rainy. I need to up my food game and start cooking regularly again.

...Only three more sleeps until my half marathon! I dropped out of training for this race last year and am really happy that my training has come together so I can run it. I've run this particular half three other times and this is the course where I did my marathon, so it's probably my favorite race ever! There's a really good chance for rain, which has me bumming, but I've been doing my runs all week in the rain, so what doesn't kill me will make me stronger and a bit soggier! Ha!

...Thought this was amazing when I read it this morning. How to be Naked.

...I need a true vacation. Isla Mujeres?

...Listening to this remix by Flume and need a dance party STAT!

What are you doing right now?!

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