25 April 2011

monday night random

It's been awhile since I've done a "my brain on random post"...so here goes:

I had my first day on jury duty today. It didn't suck since a running buddy also got a jury summons and we got to chit chat while we waited for our numbers to get called. My number didn't get called until the very last group, which was for a voir dire panel that will reconvene on Wednesday morning. Or not. There's still a chance the case may settle before needing to seat a jury. I'm hoping we at least get to go through voir dire, since that's way interesting! I was on a jury once in 1997. I should write a post at some point about my experience with out giving away actual trial details! You know, the last thing I'd want would be for anyone related to the case to find me, since we put our defendant away for a while.


I've got a case of sniffles that I'm calling allergies. No other discernible symptoms. I've been running still - since the rule is symptoms above the shoulders, run, below the neck, don't run! Oh, and since my 25k race is in three weeks. Can't stop running now over a snotty nose.


I looked at dogs online yesterday. This is not something I should be doing. It has been established that I should not have a dog until I have a suitable partner in crime to share dog-tending duties with. I miss my wolf! He was a super badass that would have taken someone out if they messed with me, but was super well behaved for me, a sweetie and easy to take care of. Had it been possible I would have cloned him since he was the best pet ever! I WANT a dog, darn it! A cute little Welsh Terrier would be so much fun, no?

An oldie, but a goodie: me and the Wolf!

And speaking of puppy dogs, have you heard that the Shibu Inu puppy cam is back? A new litter of puppies was born on April 14th and they are C-U-T-E! They were sleeping when I just clicked over to get the link to share with y'all, but still fun to watch! Maybe I should just keep watching them instead of looking for an actual dog for me to adopt?!


Burned my wrist with the flat iron this morning. Never fun, and somehow getting one's hair just so becomes a little less important after suffering a run-in with a styling implement.


I'm totally digging on mango these days. Stems from the trip to Costa Rica and having found a few good mangoes here since then. I totally want a mango tree and it doesn't even have to be here in my yard. Just knowing that there was a tree somewhere warm growing mangoes just for me would be so awesome. I could have them sent to me on the regular. I'd even share them with you. Do you want a mango?


When I got back from Coachella, I hightailed it to my local music store to scoop up some new music. I'm still waiting for some of it to come in on order - maybe it will be in tomorrow. Surprisingly, I didn't pick up Come Around Sun Down, by the Kings of Leon when it first came out, so that came home with me last week. It's been on heavy rotation, along with Arcade Fire's most recent release, The Suburbs. With the right bands, there's just something about seeing a band live that makes the recordings come alive!


I want to see this. And this. Oh, okay this one too!


That is all. Good night y'all! Sweet dreams!


h said...

I've got jury duty at the end of the May. Although, now that I'm salaried, jury duty doesn't mean a loss of shifts/money.

Chelsea Talks Smack said...

gah, i wanted to go to Coachella SO. BAD.