31 December 2010
Happy New Year!
Image by Fresh Starr Fish, of Inside Out by Soraia Almeida
I cleaned up the house a little bit. Starting the new year with a clean house...literally and figuratively is a good thing. Out with the old (whether it's the stacked up recycling or old thoughts that no longer serve you well) so as to make room for the new.
The weather in Michigan has been odd today - rain and in the hight 40s! I was all suited to go for a run in my neighborhood. It wasn't raining when I was getting ready, but when I stepped out onto the porch - the rain was coming down pretty hard. I skipped the run, but did about an hour of yoga. I haven't practiced yoga in several years, it felt really good to be on the mat again. A good way to start off the new year too, getting grounded.
However you celebrated, here's to much goodness, positive energy and sparkle in 2011! Happy New Year to you!
27 December 2010
Banana Muffins
Oh, hello, muffin! I whipped up these Banana Muffins out of the Moosewood Restaurant Low-Fat Favorites cookbook (one of my favorites!) over the weekend. I usually make banana chocolate chip bread when I have some bananas about to turn over to the dark side. I wanted to try something new though and so here we are.
Banana Muffins
1 cup flour
1/4 cup packed brown sugar
1/2 tsp baking soda
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp nutmeg
1 cup oats
1 egg white
1 egg
2 Tbsp vegetable oil
1 cup mashed ripe banana (I used 2 1/2 smaller bananas)
1/2 cup plain nonfat (or lowfat) yogurt
(optional) 1/2 cup chocolate chips or raisins
Get all your ingredients in line. Preheat oven to 400. Line a 12-muffin muffin pan with liners, cooking spray or light coating of oil. I prefer using muffin liners.
In a large bowl, sift together the flour, brown sugar, baking soda, baking powder, cinnamon and nutmeg. Run the cup of oats through a food processor or blender until you have something the consistency of cornmeal. Add the oats to the dry ingredients.
Flour, baking soda, baking powder, brown sugar, cinnamon & nutmeg.
Oats after a good spin through the food processor.
In another bowl, beat the egg white for three minutes until foamy and increased in volume, but not stiff. Stir the foamy egg white and the additional full egg, oil, mashed banana and yogurt and chocolate chips or raisins if you're using them. Fold the wet ingredients into the dry mixture until just combined.
One whipped egg white, plus one egg.
Spoon the batter into the muffin tin. I added a handful of chocolate chips to six of my muffins at this point just to see how they'd turn out. Bake for 20-25 minutes, until a toothpick inserted into the center of a muffin comes out clean. Remove from oven and cool. Enjoy.
Mmm...wholesome and delish!
25 December 2010
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas to you!! Whether you're knee deep in family, alone or with friends I hope you're having a wonderful day. I'm spending the weekend celebrating with different groups of friends since my family is scattered out east.
Christmas Eve afternoon I dropped into the Broadway Bar on the West Side of Grand Rapids. If you live in town and haven't been, you MUST go! It's like walking into a Christmas extravaganza, every inch of the place is covered with Christmas gear! One group of friends has been doing Christmas eve afternoons there for several years. Whenever I'm home for Christmas, I make sure to get over there. The family that runs it, is great...they ask you your name when they take your order and proceed to call you by name until you cash out. My big tab: a diet coke and the lovely grilled cheese and onion rings you'll see below!
Miracle on 34th Street was playing on TV (after they let us channel surf for something holiday appropriate!)
Twistin' Santa!
This is just one wall...pretty much covered with Christmas kitsch! The Broadway is wall-to-wall Christmas!
Anyone else have grilled cheese and onion rings for their Christmas eve lunch?
I've got a run planned in a bit, gchat with the family out East and dinner with running buddy A and her family tonight. When I decided the weekend was too short to travel to be with family for Christmas, I was bummed out. Not to get all spiritual on you, but Christmas is about so much more than shopping and the hustle and bustle. No matter what you believe, if you believe in a power greater than yourself, there's a peace in knowing that although you may be "alone" you're never truly alone. I made that spiritual connection this week after spending a couple days bumming about not being with my family. My heart is filled with so much love for them. I do miss them, but I'm with them in spirit and all is well. I'm creating my own special holiday joy here at home!
May the peace, love and joy of Christmas fill your heart today.
17 December 2010
Why don't you just tell me...
...which movie you want to see?!
Every so often I check out the movie trailers at Apple.com. I had heard the trailer for "Water for Elephants" came out this week, so I had to check that out! Looks ah-mazing! I loved the book and can't wait to get lost in the movie.
And this movie "Hood to Coast" probably won't come to the theaters here in Grand Rapids, but being a runner, I want to see it. Grand Rapids does have a pretty giant running community, so maybe it will come here in conjunction with River Bank Run or one of our other bigger races.
Have you seen any good movies recently? Anything new that's got you wanting to head to the theater?
16 December 2010
Hair Do Well
Michelle Williams, Ryan Gosling and director Derek Cianfrance were on Charlie Rose this week to promote their upcoming film "Blue Valentine." Not only am I so excited to see this movie because I thoroughly enjoy both actors' work, but the story is probably going to rip my heart out. Hearing some of the back story on the making of the film makes me want to see it even more.

fuckyeahryangosling on Charlie Rose

Michelle Willams on Charlie Rose
Plus...plus will you please look at how darling Michelle looks with this hair cut and color?! I so want her hair. Do you think I'd have more fun with this hair? It's just the cutest ever! My hair may be holding me back...
Oh, and if you actually watch the interview, you'll also get to see Mark Wahlberg, Christian Bale and director David O. Russell talk about the movie "The Fighter." Looks like another film I want to see.
14 December 2010
Oh So Quiet
Been plenty quiet in these parts.
Sorry about that.
There's been a lot going on in my head that I do not want to put out into the world via this blog. A general blah kind of mood struck me sometime on Thursday and hung on pretty tightly all weekend, much as I tried to shake it. It's too early for Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) isn't it? Anyway, with the sunshine that was out today, the blah mood seems to be lifting and I'm ever grateful for that!
Hoping to get back to posting more regularly soon.
07 December 2010
Too Cute Boots

06 December 2010
Kitchen Dreams

[Photo: Kate McElwee, Dwell]
05 December 2010
Oh, Sweet Potato
04 December 2010
The weather has definitely turned to winter here in Michigan. I'm bundled up, but still feel a little chilly. So I'm blogging about things that make me think warm thoughts! Here are a few!
Zydeco music. Maybe not the first thing you'd think of, but it always sounds warm to me and I happened to be listening to American Routes, and they had a Creole Cowboys segment in the second hour featuring some great zydeco. If you click the link you can listen to that particular segment to get a taste!
SmartWool socks. I'm trying to remember my first pair of SmartWools. They were either from my brother and sister in law as a Christmas stocking stuffer a couple years ago or they were my SmartWool running socks. Anyway, if you haven't tried SmartWools, they're the way to go, so warm and comfortable. They're a treat for the feet!

Roaring fire in the fire place. This isn't my fire place (or even my picture!), but I promise once the chimney sweep comes this week and the fire is actually roaring, I'll be sure to post about it!

Beach. This was taken at Oval Beach in Saugatuck, MI, one of my favorite beaches. It's beautiful and close enough to home that it's easy to get to, but just enough of a drive so you feel like you really went somewhere. Wish I was basking in the sun there right now!
Cozy Bed. My mom, aunts & uncle and I went to Helsinki, Finland in 2005. We stayed at the Helsinki Radisson Royal SAS (now apparently called the Radisson Blu Seaside Hotel!). This was our room and the beds there were the most comfortable in the world. The sheets were amazingly soft, probably like 1000 thread count or something, seriously! High thread count sheets, alterna-down comforter and tons of pillows is the way to go!
The North Face. Nary a winter goes by that I don't mention being on Team North Face. I know EVERY one wears it now, but I don't care because I've been wearing it for years. It's the ultimate all out warm gear and with every piece I acquire, I usually say something like - this is the warmest EVAR - really! I'm even wearing one right now.

What warm things do you turn to or think about when the weather turns cold?
29 November 2010
Vegetable Tortellini Soup
Vegetable Tortellini Soup
olive oil to coat the bottom of your soup pan
1/2 red bell pepper, chopped
1/2 green pepper, chopped
chopped onion (enough so that you have 2 cups total of chopped onion+red & green pepper)
2 cloves garlic, pressed
sprinkle of crushed red pepper
1 28 oz. can crushed tomatoes
1 can vegetable broth
1 1/2 cups hot water (you could also use another can of vegetable broth)
1 teaspoon dried basil
2 small zucchini, chopped
1 cup (heaping) frozen cheese tortellini
Pour enough olive oil to coat the bottom of your soup pan, turn heat to medium. Add your chopped pepper, onion and garlic mixture. Saute for a few minutes. Add the crushed red pepper if you're using it. I used just a touch, if you like heat, add more! Add your can of tomatoes, broth, hot water and dried basil. Bring to a rolling boil. Add the zucchini. Cook for 3-5 more minutes. Add tortellini and cook as long as the package says. Enjoy!
28 November 2010
Tofurkey - for Real!
If you're a vegetarian with a few Thanksgiving's under your belt, you'll feel me on this one. I've been a vegetarian for over 15 years and luckily much of my family is also meat free - makes family get togethers that involve food (let's face it, almost all of them do!) a breeze. When I was newly meat free and it wasn't as mainstream as it seems to be, the question about Thanksgiving would inevitably come up - "...but, what do you eat on Thanksgiving?" Like those of us who aren't eating turkey are going hungry on Thanksgiving while the rest of the country gorges on everything from sweet potatoes, stuffing, green bean casserole, cranberries and pumpkin pie. Dude we can eat all that and there are some pretty good Turkey stand-ins to boot!
This year my cousins had been talking about the real Tofurkey and how the texture creeped out my cousin B. Cousin M thought we ought to try our own version of this meat free poultry stunt double. He mentioned it in passing late Wednesday night. I wondered if he had a recipe in mind. He said no, he was just planning on winging it. I'm pro-recipe, so I looked up a few recipes online. We ended up using one from vegweb.com as a guide and then somewhat winging it, since we got a very late start and were working with much less tofu than the recipe called for.
Here's roughly what we did:
3 packages extra firm tofu drained (we actually had one extra firm, one firm and one silken - not ideal from a texture standpoint)
poultry seasoning
dried minced onion
2-3 smaller portabello mushrooms chopped
Mix all the tofu in a food processor until smooth. Eyeball your spices and add them all to the tofu along with the chopped portabello mushrooms. We went for more spices, wanting more of a robust flavor rather than just the bland tofu.
Once everything was blended smooth, we spooned the mixture into a sieve lined with a clean kitchen towel (I'd suggest a smooth, thin one, rather than a thick textured one!), covered the top and placed a large rock on the top to help press the liquid out. The recipe we followed said to press for 2-3 hours, or overnight. We maybe managed 3 hours and there was barely any liquid in the bowl below the sieve. The towel was wet though, so I guess we got some liquid out.
Looks like a dip, but it's not! Tofu mixture in towel-lined sieve.
Towel-lined sieve, placed in a bowl with a rock on top.
Next, we shaped it into a log shape in a glass 9x13 pan and put it in the oven at 350. We mixed up the "glaze" in the recipe - basically red wine, balsamic vinegar and some of the same spices we used for the tofu mixture. Had we pressed the tofu mixture longer, the glaze probably would have worked a bit better. Our "log" sort of spread out flat. I believe we baked it for about an hour or an hour and a half. I sort of lost track!
Tofu log, ready for the oven!
The finished product. It's not pretty, but it's a tasty meat-free alternative to turkey.
My cousin and I did a ceremonial first bite at the dinner table - both a little scared it wasn't going to be any good. It didn't look pretty, but it tasted good! I was surprised and relieved. We'll have to get an earlier start next year and use all extra firm tofu rather than the mixture we used. It was so much fun though and I can't wait to try making this again!
26 November 2010
...having a wonderful Marquette time.
Since Wednesday, I've been in Marquette, Michigan, my mother's hometown and still home to some of her family. I've been coming to Marquette at least once a year since I was born and even more times a year in the recent past. Aside from the seven hour drive to get to and fro, I love coming here! My aunt and uncle have a beautiful welcoming home, which feels like my second home since I tend to stay here whenever I'm in town. When I was in Europe, meals lasted forever and were all about enjoying the people you were with and the food on the table, it's a lot like that here. The pace of life is always so chill and enjoyable. I love it!
Here's what's been so great about this visit:
- Safe travels - no deer sightings, no snow or ice and no sleepiness on the way up. Hoping for the same on the return trip.
- The warm cozy fire at my aunt & uncle's and an equally warm and cozy bed.
- Cooking in a giant kitchen with family. My cousin and I made a "tofurkey" from scratch on Thanksgiving and it was a riot. I contributed to the green bean casserole he was making - from scratch, no can of mushroom soup in sight and I also made the vegetarian gravy. All in all, everyone's efforts resulted in a delicious meal on Thanksgiving evening.
Shopping on "Black Friday" that didn't involve any big box stores. We shopped local.
- Bowling and playing Liverpool Rummy. My family has been playing Liverpool together as long as the "kids" my age could hold a fist full of cards. Of the many sites I found when looking for a link, none of them had the rules spelled out exactly how we play, which is funny. I bet any group or family who has played as long as our family has developed their own little quirks for the game. I couldn't conceive of playing it any other way than how we play!
- Shopping again for a bit today with my mom and having a great long chat with her over coffee.
- Not having to be anywhere in particular and just being able to relax and enjoy the day as it unfolds.
I hope you've been having a simply wonderful Thanksgiving holiday weekend!
20 November 2010
18 November 2010
15 November 2010
Product Love
- My assortment of make up brushes. Most of them are NARS, which I got for free when I interned there back when the line was only a year old. If you peruse the link, you'll see that the brushes are not cheap. I've taken care of them (cleaning them regularly with a little Aveda Shampure and water) and they're still going strong. It's been nearly 15 years, so had I actually purchased them, it would have been a wise investment!
- Benefit's Some Kind-a Gorgeous in original. Benefit calls this "the foundation faker," which is exactly what I was looking for when I started using this about a year ago. I don't like to look like I've got make up on, and this evens out my skin tone beautifully. I love it!
- Aveda Dual Base in Linen. I use this more as a powder than as a base foundation, which is what it was originally made to be and how I originally used it. I've had this for a while. They now are selling "Inner Light Mineral Dual Foundation", which I haven't tried.
- L'oreal Studio Secrets Professional Magic Perfecting Base. That's a seriously long name for a tiny product. I had been wanting to try a make up primer, especially for my eyelids since I sometimes find my eye color disappears during the day. I just started using it after hearing about it from K one night over ice cream not too long ago when it was still warm, so I feel like it's too early to weigh in with a verdict.
- Lancome eye color palette, which was a gift from my friend A awhile back. Four great colors, for a little extra eye drama when I need it. LOL!
- L'oreal True Match liquid foundation. I tried this out after seeing Kandee Johnson's video "Perfect Skin for CHEAP!" where she used it. It's funny that it's called True Match because although at the store it looked like the right shade, based on their little color chart, it's a touch dark for me. I've been mixing it with my moisturizer to lighten it up and so far I've been liking the result.
- L'oreal True Match Concealer. I bought this in a concealer emergency, my favorite Arbonne concealer (see #8) was back ordered this summer and I needed a stand in. I actually like it and use it when it the mood strikes.
- Arbonne Creme Concealer, light. I've been using Arbonne's skin care system for a few years and love it. This is the only Arbonne make up product that I have consistently used. It's got great coverage and the creamy texture dries down to a nice powdery finish. Little known Starr Fish fact, I am an Arbonne consultant. Although I now mostly sell to myself, my mom and the occasional friend who orders, I can hook you up with any of the Arbonne products if you're curious.
- Tooth picks from my orthodontist. I have braces, what else can I say?
- Loose NARS eye shadows. Secret stash of two loose shadows that were samples and no longer in stock. One is a great purple and the other is a yellowish gold. The store threw them in as a bonus when I was purchasing some other gear.
- Inspiration!
Any questions? I have one for you! While I was organizing this little shelf, I wondered do you girls stow all your make up in a make up bag or a drawer or some other situation? I've got gear kind of spread out - a little on the shelf you see, some more in the medicine cabinet door and a little more in the other medicine cabinet. Just curious how y'all arrange all your beauty products...
beauty products
14 November 2010
What's Cookin'?
In terms of recipes I've actually tried making from the various foodie blogs I follow, Budget Bytes is on it lately with recipes that appeal to me! As you may recall, last weekend I tried her recipe for Honey Wheat Bread to great success. This weekend I gave another one of her recipes a try.
How much do you love spinach artichoke dip? I've never made it, but when I've had it at restaurants, you usually get a thimble full with four crackers or tiny toasts and they charge you $5-7. It's usually tasty enough, but super rich and I seem to recall quite salty. So Ms. Budget Bytes came up with a creamy Spinach Artichoke Pasta dish that is reminiscent of spinach and artichoke dip, but it's way better, because you can eat it as a meal! Actually it makes a ton, so if you're feeding a crew, you'll have plenty. If your crew is slightly smaller or you're a crew of one making it early in the week, you'll have plenty of meals to bring to work or school.
I didn't have the white wine she used, I used lemon juice instead. The lemon juice added a subtle flavor that counterbalanced the creaminess in just the right way. I can see how the white wine would have been a nice addition. I used slightly less garlic and next time would use the full four cloves she used. I also skipped the hot sauce, because I didn't have any on hand, but did add crushed red pepper.
Overall the recipe was super simple to follow and it came together really fast. This would be a great meal to make for an impromptu dinner party - get someone to bring a salad and someone else to bring a dessert and you've got a super yummy dinner with friends!
12 November 2010
Better than Drama
Here's the latest in Starr Fish land. I really wish I had more exciting things to share with you this week, but work has been mad busy and everything else just seems to be at this kind of boring, just cruising along point. I guess that's better than drama!
Seriously, you guys, as I started to think about what's been going this past week I wasn't coming up with a lot. With what I'm about to type, it will become alarmingly clear just how boring things have been. Without going into tons of detail, let's just say the cats have not been super good about practicing litter box etiquette lately and I've now learned by way of vet lab tests that they both have feline UTIs. Seriously, is this really my life? They were champs at the vet, but did not want to get into the carrier to actually go there. Both are now on a 14-day course of antibiotics (have you tried giving pills to a cat?!) and there's also special food now because Junior's pH was too high, which is not good. The food is supposed to regulate the pH.
In other news, I know you all must be dying to know what's going on with my teeth. Really, I can feel it through the interwebz! I am here to tell you, the teeth are still glistening and shiny with their braces, but they are getting close to where I want them to be. I had an orthodontist visit this week and just got rewired. Back in three weeks. Maybe I'll have my teeth back by Christmas? Maybe?!
Are you a Will Arnett fan? Although the entire cast on Arrested Development was amazing, he was one of my favorites as Gob. I happened to catch his new show Running Wilde this week and it was pretty funny. I had a couple of actual LOL moments. David Cross, who played Tobias on Arrested Development is in a few episodes too! If you haven't seen it and are looking for a new show to check out, give it a go over on hulu.
I wish I could edit the Sunday Secrets on postsecret.com for a few weeks. I'm always bummed out that there aren't more each week. I know the creator of the site receives thousands of secrets each week...he should post more!
08 November 2010
Butternut Squash Apple Soup
This weekend was chock full of fall smells in my kitchen! I started with the bread, but a Starr Fish cannot live on bread alone. I have this habit of starring recipes in my google reader and then never thinking about them again or never actually considering the possibility of giving them a try.
Dinner A Love Story featured a quick recipe for "Butternut Squash Soup with Apples." Sounds delish, right? Perfect for a cozy fall weekend! It sounded almost too easy to make and the her pictures made me want to reach my spoon through the screen to steal a taste. I had to give it a try.
Butternut Squash Soup with Apples
1 small/medium onion (I used half of a larger one) chopped
olive oil
pinch of thyme
1 tsp curry powder
pinch of cayenne (optional, I included it and it was tasty!)
salt & pepper
1 butternut squash, halved, seeded peeled, chopped into cubes
2 apples, peeled, chopped into chunks
1 carton of vegetable broth
I had most of the ingredients already, just grabbed a butternut squash and some extra apples beyond those I'd want for snacking this week when I was at the grocery store. While I was waiting for my second loaf of bread rise, I prepped my butternut squash and apples and set them aside. Then chopped up the onion.
Hello, butternut squash!
Apples and butternut squash chunks, prepped and ready to go.
In a soup or stock pot over medium heat, drizzle about a tablespoon of olive oil in the bottom of the pan, add the chopped onions. Stir occasionally until translucent. Add salt (I eyeballed a small mound in my hand, about a teaspoon) & pepper, a pinch of thyme, 1 teaspoon of curry powder, and your pinch of cayenne, if you want a bit of heat like me. Stir around for a couple minutes to bring out the soul of the spices.
Add your prepped butternut squash and apples. Pour in vegetable broth and a good pour of cider. I added probably a half cup. Your squash and apples should be pretty well covered. Turn the heat up and bring to a boil. Then reduce the heat and simmer for 30 minutes.
If you have an immersion blender, I'm totally jealous of you and you can use it to puree the soup right in the pot. If you're like me and have a regular blender, you'll want to puree the soup in batches to get a nice smooth consistency.
Before the blend = chunky.
During the blend, getting smooth!
I served this soup with a little taste of sour cream, but use your imagination and garnish as you wish. DALS suggested walnuts, chives and creme fraiche Sour cream did the trick at Chez Starr Fish!
07 November 2010
Honey Wheat Bread
I've always been a little wary of baking any bread that has yeast in the recipe. All the recipes I've read seem so daunting. Believe me, there have been a ton of recipes not made over the years, as I read cookbooks and cooking sites and blogs for fun! What if the yeast is old and the dough doesn't rise?! Then you've done all the work and there's no bread-y reward.
Sometimes, in life and in baking, you just have to say "I'm going to do this, what's the worst that can happen?" That's what I did in attempting this Honey Wheat Bread recipe I found on Budget Bytes this week. With all the great step-by-step pics, I felt pretty confident I'd be able to conquer my yeast bread-baking fear.
I'm happy to report that the first loaf went so well, I decided to make a second loaf! It's my mom's birthday today (Happy Birthday & much love to you, mom!) and I joked with her a few weeks ago that I was going to get her a bread knife for her birthday - she totally needs one. So when I decided to give the recipe a try, I thought, "if all goes well, I can give her a loaf of the bread with the knife for her birthday." I couldn't not cut into the first loaf, so the second loaf went to mom! The second loaf turned out even better than the first, so practice does, indeed, pay off!

From the Fresh Starr Fish Kitchen, a few pics of Honey Wheat Bread baking process. That's butternut squash soup in the bottom right photo - check back in, I'll be posting the recipe tomorrow!
If you've ever wanted to try baking bread, head over to Budget Bytes and give her recipe a try.
05 November 2010
Who doesn't like a little reward for a job well done? Or maybe it's a pay off for doing not much of anything, a reward that's been earned and carried forward from a time gone by? I've got stories of both. Just two little reward story tidbits from living life as a Starr Fish this week.
With the abundance of Halloween candy and the full snack box at work, I've been playing a game with myself to encourage more water drinking and less candy eating. I start the day with a full 32 ounce Nalgene water bottle. The rule is that if I finish my water I can have candy or a snack from the snack box! So far so good this week. I've finished my water and been a responsible snacker.
Our company just wound up its United Way Campaign. Sometimes, I'm not so good on follow up that involves paperwork. That turned out in United Way's favor recently. If you contributed last year via paycheck deduction and did nothing this year in terms of handing in a form or going on line to adjust your contribution, your contribution from 2010 just continues for 2011.
My generous heart and lack of follow through earned me the right to wear jeans during the month of November, a fact that dawned on me earlier this week when I saw lots of people wearing jeans. My company is business casual and usually only allows jeans on Fridays when you've donated to the charity of the month, so jeans all month will be interesting. I don't even own that many pairs of jeans - and haven't even worn them since I realized the jeans bonus. It will be a nice option.
Do you give yourself rewards or buy yourself little treats for doing something good, enduring an extra tough work week or accomplishing a goal you've set for yourself? I do and believe heartily in it. The treat doesn't have to be extravagant at all (mine usually aren't!) - sometimes for me it's just making sure to get that coffee at Sbux when my mind says, "wouldn't a coffee be nice right about now?" We all deserve a little something just for being ourselves!
What nice thing might you do for yourself today?
04 November 2010
This I Believe
I had the opportunity to hear Dan Gediman speak last night at Aquinas College. Mr. Gediman is the executive director/producer of This I Believe, a non-profit organization that collects and shares people's core belief essays. You've probably heard at least one of the essays on the series that was a mainstay on NPR's All Things Considered for many years and currently can be heard via podcast, on the Bob Edwards Show (either on satellite or public radio), and right on ThisIBelieve.org.
The event at Aquinas began with a short introduction by Aquinas president. He introduced five students who then read their This I Believe essays. One was funny, an ode to the Aquinas College cafeteria. Another was on silence. Another on cancer. Another on taking risks. The final speaker read his essay about prevailing against all odds. His essay, in particular, touched me the most because it included a story about running. He was born too early, weighing just over two pounds. Both he and his mother were not expected to make it. They both did, against all odds. He's lived his life with cerebral palsy, which affects the muscle movement on one side of his body and causes him to walk with a limp.
He shared about being teased in middle school for being different, but then spoke about how things changed in high school. He was encouraged to run on the cross country team. The team embraced him. Even though he admitted to never winning a race, basically finishing long after his teammates and runners from the other teams, he kept running. Against all odds.
As he was finishing the final race of his high school running career, his teammates doubled back to run the last quarter mile with him. When awards were given out to the winners, they had a special award to share with him. All his teammates took off their warm ups to reveal t-shirts printed with his name - they decided to change the name of the race to bear his name from then on, honoring his perseverance.
He's not running now, but as a runner I can only imagine that the experience of pushing himself, connecting with his teammates and competing against all odds is something that will stay with him the rest of his life. His story brought tears to my eyes.
After hearing the students read their essays and hearing Mr. Gediman speak about the origins of This I Believe, I've been thinking about writing my own essay. I'm still mulling it over, but don't be surprised one day if you read mine here or hear it one day on This I Believe.
What do you believe?
31 October 2010
Happy Halloween!

I stopped into a local Halloween pop up store after work on Friday saying, "if I find the right wig for Amelie, I'll pursue the rest of the costume." After navigating the packed parking lot, I walked right into the store and the second wig I saw was perfect. And so it began.
Next stop, Goodwill for some costume hunting! I found everything I needed - a black silk skirt with a small white circle print, a dark red top with a lace up detail and a pair of Doc Marten's. The skirt needed to be shortened. My trusty fabric scissors took care of that - I didn't take the time to hem. Although the Docs were the right size, they were brown, so I had to take some black shoe polish to them to turn them black and change out the laces. I don't think Amelie's were Docs, but they are very close.

Wig styling happened on Saturday morning. The unfortunate thing about synthetic wigs - you can't use heat to style them! I did a quick hair cut to get it more Amelie-length. I was a little worried about how sleek the wig looked-more 20's flapper than I wanted. I needed a little unruly-ness. I used some Aveda Sap Moss Styling Spray (did not know that it's no longer available!) to set a few sections in rollers for the day. When I removed the rollers, and sprayed the heck out of it with AirControl hair spray, I got the look I was hoping for.
I added a little jacket and black socks that I already had and bought a gnome to carry with me. From an authenticity standpoint, I would have liked to paint the gnome (green shirt, red pants) or find one that is exactly like the movie, but what can you do on short notice?

I stopped by my mom's prior to heading out then met up with my friend A and her friend M. We hit the West Side of Grand Rapids for a fun party featuring the bands the Concussions & Delilah DeWylde and the Lost Boys.
There were some great costumes! An Edward Scissorhands, Dwight Schrute, Sasquatch, a really good Captain Jack Sparrow, complete with beard braids. Delilah and her band were dressed in Amish garb. They guys even seemed to have real Amish-style beards. That's commitment to a costume! Costumes are standard whenever the Concussions play, they wore glow in the dark skeleton suits with skull masks.
I questioned when I was putting the costume together if people would know who I was supposed to be or if I'd just look a girl carrying a gnome. Sasquatch knew who I was. So did a friend that I used to work with, but I was met with question marks by almost everyone else. I even had someone I haven't seen in forever know who I really was. Well, hopefully, everyone who didn't know Amelie will find her on NetFlix and watch the movie so it can become their favorite movie too! I had fun, and that's all that matters when it comes to dressing up for Halloween!
Hope you have a great time today!
30 October 2010
Random Assortment
Wilfred Brimley is only 76 years old. The dude was old back when I was a kid. Somehow we were talking about him at work and everyone guessed he was older than that - mid 80s or "125" were the answers.
Our snack box at work was replenished yesterday. It's a copy paper box filled to the brim with mini candy bars, fruit snacks, tootsie pops, combos, and the most exciting additions with the refill - pudding snack cups and oreos! Plus, we have immediate refill capabilities, extras are stored in a nearby closed - marked "historical documents"!
I don't have any definite plans for Halloween, but bought a wig after work yesterday and may just dress up and just see where the Halloween Spirits take me. A few friends are doing stuff that I could tag along for...I just feel like dressing up it appeals to my secret agent gene. I don't really care where I go! Are you dressing up?
Speaking of Halloween. I made cupcakes for the kids at work and we're such a skeleton crew right now with two people on maternity leave and having two other empty positions that I actually brought cupcakes home! That was not my idea when I was baking. I like to bake, maybe eat one of what I bake and then be done with it!
My headache yesterday and it feels like it's there again today may be directly related to my sugar consumption. Darn sugar! It's so good, but so bad for me!
When I was walking out of work last night someone was walking in with their two cutie kids who were in costume. The little girl dressed as a witch, complete with green skin, reminded me of dressing up as a witch a few years in a row when I was younger. I had a simple brown (I think) dress and had a green witch mask complete with crazy black and gray curly hair. I carried an old lady's hand bag for all my trick or treat candy. That's the only costume I vividly remember. I wish I could remember more of them. What was your favorite halloween costume when you were young?
My brother posted something about the show Kids In the Hall on my FB wall late last night. That lead to me digging through youtube videos that I could post back on his wall. Here's my favorite one:
24 October 2010
Before transforming the space into their new digs, LaFontsee and Site:Lab collaborators invited artists from all over to use the building for installation artwork. One. Night. Only. There were mad tweets and updates to the Site:Lab facebook leading up to Friday night, getting the word out. It worked. People (including yours truly) turned out in droves. We experienced Site:Lab and then, boom! What you see below disappears to make way for the new LaFontsee Galleries!
The art itself was interesting. Some of it really played with the history of the building as a mental health care facility, some had a definite deconstruction vibe - to the point of inviting people to participate in the demolition. Some seemed to have no real connection to the space, but I'm sure if there had been artist statements along with the art, it would have tied in on some level. I was fascinated by the show as a whole, spending nearly two hours roaming the two floors - 24,000 square feet of art!
I love that Grand Rapids has people who put on such events. All in the name of art and bringing people together to enjoy it! Bravo and well done!
Grand Rapids
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