...having a wonderful Marquette time.
Since Wednesday, I've been in Marquette, Michigan, my mother's hometown and still home to some of her family. I've been coming to Marquette at least once a year since I was born and even more times a year in the recent past. Aside from the seven hour drive to get to and fro, I love coming here! My aunt and uncle have a beautiful welcoming home, which feels like my second home since I tend to stay here whenever I'm in town. When I was in Europe, meals lasted forever and were all about enjoying the people you were with and the food on the table, it's a lot like that here. The pace of life is always so chill and enjoyable. I love it!
Here's what's been so great about this visit:
- Safe travels - no deer sightings, no snow or ice and no sleepiness on the way up. Hoping for the same on the return trip.
- The warm cozy fire at my aunt & uncle's and an equally warm and cozy bed.
- Cooking in a giant kitchen with family. My cousin and I made a "tofurkey" from scratch on Thanksgiving and it was a riot. I contributed to the green bean casserole he was making - from scratch, no can of mushroom soup in sight and I also made the vegetarian gravy. All in all, everyone's efforts resulted in a delicious meal on Thanksgiving evening.
Shopping on "Black Friday" that didn't involve any big box stores. We shopped local.
- Bowling and playing Liverpool Rummy. My family has been playing Liverpool together as long as the "kids" my age could hold a fist full of cards. Of the many sites I found when looking for a link, none of them had the rules spelled out exactly how we play, which is funny. I bet any group or family who has played as long as our family has developed their own little quirks for the game. I couldn't conceive of playing it any other way than how we play!
- Shopping again for a bit today with my mom and having a great long chat with her over coffee.
- Not having to be anywhere in particular and just being able to relax and enjoy the day as it unfolds.
I hope you've been having a simply wonderful Thanksgiving holiday weekend!
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