Michelle Williams, Ryan Gosling and director Derek Cianfrance were on Charlie Rose this week to promote their upcoming film "Blue Valentine." Not only am I so excited to see this movie because I thoroughly enjoy both actors' work, but the story is probably going to rip my heart out. Hearing some of the back story on the making of the film makes me want to see it even more.

fuckyeahryangosling on Charlie Rose

Michelle Willams on Charlie Rose
Plus...plus will you please look at how darling Michelle looks with this hair cut and color?! I so want her hair. Do you think I'd have more fun with this hair? It's just the cutest ever! My hair may be holding me back...
Oh, and if you actually watch the interview, you'll also get to see Mark Wahlberg, Christian Bale and director David O. Russell talk about the movie "The Fighter." Looks like another film I want to see.
Ryan Gosling.
This is the first and only movie Ive seen him in. I was impressed. Intense actor.
Check out Lars & the Real Girl or Half Nelson. I'll have to see if I can find the Believer...it does look INtense!
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