- Put up the tree on Sunday. It takes all of three minutes. Bring up from the b
asement. Find proper spot. It's in the living room this year. Last year's spot in the office gained a large potted palm plant to make room for the tree in the living room. Plug tree in. Enjoy the twinkle lights!
- Listen to favorite Christmas compilation CD provided a few years back by my Marquette relatives. It contains some of the best old-school Christmas music.
- Put up lights around front door. All the extra lights probably help protect against S.A.D (Seasonal Affective Disorder - lack of light during winter darkness can make you sad, yo!). I like keeping these lights up well into January. The tree will probably stay up that long too. Why not? It's festive!
- Plan to buy wreath for the front door at Farmers Market on Saturday.
- Ordered photo Holiday cards. First time ever doing this. The photo and the opportunity were there in front of me, so I took the bait. Good way to commemorate a memorable event this year and share it with people.
What have you done to get into the holiday spirit?
1 comment:
Well aren't you a Festive Fanny!
I've put up our tree and decorated the rest of the house.
Am listening to Christmas music in my car, at home and in my office.
Have started working on E's stocking.
Am shoving holiday treats in my maw at an alarming rate.
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