28 February 2009
26 February 2009
blah to bright
23 February 2009
birthday weekend (food) recap
My birthday weekend was fabulous! I feel really lucky to have such good people in my life. Some that I've known for a super long time and some that I'm just getting to know. The well-wishes from all were lovely and made me feel amazing! YAY!
Along with great friends and family, food played a major role in my birthday weekend! What a surprise! I had Ethyopian food at Little Africa on Friday night for my birthday dinner with my mom and M. I felt so special when the owner, Lou, came out with incense for a sort of birthday greeting/blessing and the restaurant broke into "Happy Birthday". Very special. We were the last to leave the restaurant full of delicious food and having had plenty of girl talk!
Saturday, I was rescued from the snowy/icy mess in my alley by my mom, and my Marquette aunt & uncle. We managed to carve a route through the blowing snow to have dinner at Big Bob's, a perennial favorite. We had pizza and fun conversation. We came back to my place for the last of my homemade carrot cake cupcakes with cream cheese frosting and a spot of tea.
Sunday. Popcorn during The Reader and random munching through the day leading up to dinner. My mom made a tasty veggie lasagna and green salad. I whipped up garlic bread with an ample amount of butter and fresh garlic. And for dessert, we had cute mini cheese cakes that mom made.
My cold is almost gone! With all the yummy food I've been indulging in and my almost restored ability to breath, there's no time like the present to get back to the running!
20 February 2009
official birthday portrait

17 February 2009
smoky topaz visits
- to be able to stay in my jammies all day
- to drink ginger ale (vernors)
- to drink juice
- to be in possession of soft tissues
- to have an ample amount of benadryl to knock me out at night
- to have a steady supply of interesting movies to watch while I doze on the couch
- to already have ample groceries in the house, so i don't have to go anywhere
- to feel better
this is how it's really going:
- cannot stay in jammies all day. technically not sick enough to warrant using paid time off. work might frown on my choice in jammies.
- drank vitamin water that i brought to work. brought two today, as one wasn't enough yesterday. oh, the thirst!
- soft tissues are plentiful. small blessings.
- benadryl is doing the trick at night, but getting "into" bed early is about a 50/50 gamble at this point.
- had to get groceries/sick supplies after work earlier this week.
- feeling slightly cloudy, less than focused, with some aches. dry cough. my voice sounds like i've been smoking 2 packs of cigs a day since i was 12.
- feeling grateful that i'm not as sick as i was this time last year. i was down for the count for a few days with a ridiculous cough.
- also grateful that i have not been kidnapped by a mexican drug cartel.
14 February 2009
Happy Valentine's Day!
13 February 2009
fun photo site
Create your own FACEinHOLE
12 February 2009
thinking about
Hair cut. This has been on my mind for a while. I move slowly when it comes to hair changes!
Vacation(s) that would allow for minimal packing and a tan
What to do to celebrate my birthday
Garlic bread
Not running today, but will run anyway
Where I'd go if I had a scooter and it was nice out
Finishing my book club book - Secret Life of Bees. I'm really into it.
09 February 2009
It is written...
07 February 2009
tonight. tomorrow.
06 February 2009
gratitude and a smile
Even though I decided, upon exiting my lovely and cozy bed, that I would approach the day with gratitude and a smile, I'm still feeling a little something that won't let me shake it. I'm breathing deeply, trying to stay focused on what's right before me (work that pays the bills, yo!)and going to keep smiling on the outside until I'm smiling on the inside.
Wishing all of you a beautiful day full of goodness!
04 February 2009
so far...
Ran four miles yesterday. My hip has started being cranky, which I am not jazzed about. Hello, Hip, we’ve got about three more months to train for Riverbank. It’s really important that you work with me, not against me. Hip. Must. Cooperate!
02 February 2009
Three Dog Night